Author Archives: Kira Surrogacy

How to Improve Your Sperm Quality

How To Imrove Your Sperm Quality

When it comes to fertility, optimizing sperm quality is not only about increasing the chances of conception; it can also save intended parents money. Improved sperm quality can lead to healthier embryos and a higher yield of embryos during an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) cycle. In this article, we will explore the financial benefits of […]

In Vitro Gametogenesis (IVG): The Future of Reproduction and the Ethical Labyrinth Ahead

In Vitro Gametogenesis

In the bustling halls of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in downtown Washington, D.C., a groundbreaking discussion unfolds. The focus is on a revolutionary technique known as in-vitro gametogenesis, or IVG, which promises to alter the face of reproductive medicine. Unraveling IVG Led by Dr. Eli Adashi, a reproductive biology specialist from […]

Is Surogacy Legal in Mexico?

In the past decade, surrogacy has emerged as a beacon of hope for many individuals and couples desiring to have children. However, the legal dynamics surrounding this process have been a matter of contention in numerous countries, with varying degrees of acceptance and regulation. A significant change occurred in Mexico’s approach to surrogacy in 2021. […]

Costs of Surrogacy in Mexico

Kira Surrogacy · Costs Of Surrogacy In Mexico Exploring your options for starting or expanding your family can be a daunting task, especially when considering surrogacy. However, Mexico is becoming a more popular choice due to its competitive cost structure and robust healthcare infrastructure. In this article, we explore the programs and costs of surrogacy […]

How to Ship Embryos to Mexico

“Can I ship my embryos to Mexico?” This question comes into play in numerous circumstances, most notably when individuals or couples are considering fertility treatments or surrogacy in a foreign country after spending months or years trying to match with a surrogate. Navigating these waters can be complex, so it’s essential to understand the legalities, […]

Surrogacy in Guadalajara – The Pearl of the West

Guadalajara, Mexico

When it comes to exploring your surrogacy journey, Guadalajara in Mexico, fondly referred to as “the pearl of the west”, emerges as an excellent choice. It is precisely for these reasons that Kira Surrogacy has chosen Guadalajara as its prime location for surrogacy programs. Recognizing the city’s blend of advanced medical facilities, seasoned professionals, and […]