Can I Freeze My Eggs and Pursue Surrogacy Later?

A young woman consults with a doctor.

As modern medicine and healthcare technology continue to advance, a variety of fertility preservation and reproduction options have become available. This plethora of choices allows individuals to make reproductive decisions that align with their unique needs and timelines. One such option is to freeze eggs and pursue surrogacy later. This decision can give women the ability to take control of their reproductive future, but it is crucial to understand the implications, processes, and potential challenges involved.

What is Egg Freezing and How Does It Work?

Egg freezing, medically known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a process that allows women to preserve their reproductive potential. This process involves a few key steps: ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and freezing.

Ovarian stimulation involves administering hormones to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs in one menstrual cycle. Once matured, these eggs are then retrieved in a minor surgical procedure under sedation. Post retrieval, the eggs are immediately frozen and stored in a special laboratory environment until they are needed for future use. Kira Surrogacy offers egg freezing for $8,000 USD.

What is Surrogacy and How Does It Work?

Surrogacy is a process where another woman, known as a surrogate, carries and gives birth to a baby for an individual or couple who cannot conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. There are two types of surrogacy: traditional and gestational. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate’s egg is used, making her the biological mother of the child. In contrast, gestational surrogacy uses the intended mother’s or donor’s egg and the intended father’s or donor’s sperm, meaning the surrogate is not biologically related to the child. Kira Surrogacy only offers gestational surrogacy arrangements.

The latter is where egg freezing comes into play. When the intended parents are ready, the frozen eggs can be thawed, fertilized via in vitro fertilization (IVF), and the resulting embryos can be transferred to the surrogate’s uterus.

Benefits of Freezing Eggs and Pursuing Surrogacy Later

The decision to freeze eggs and pursue surrogacy later offers several potential benefits.

  1. Flexibility: This path allows women to preserve their fertility until they’re ready to start a family, which can be particularly beneficial for those focusing on their careers, education, or personal development.
  2. Health Reasons: Some women have medical conditions or require treatments (such as chemotherapy for cancer) that might affect their fertility. Freezing eggs beforehand allows them to have biological children later through surrogacy.
  3. Reduced Pregnancy Risks: Women who have health issues that make pregnancy dangerous can still have biological children without putting their health at risk.

Challenges to Consider

While freezing eggs and pursuing surrogacy later is an empowering choice, there are challenges to consider.

  1. Cost: Both egg freezing and surrogacy are costly processes, involving medical fees, agency fees, and potentially legal costs. A surrogacy program with Kira Surrogacy totals approximately $45,000 USD, while egg freezing is approximately $8,000 USD. at the time of this post.
  2. Legal Issues: Surrogacy laws vary greatly, both domestically and internationally, so understanding and navigating the legal landscape can be challenging.
  3. Emotional Considerations: Surrogacy is an emotional journey that requires strong communication and mutual understanding among all parties involved.
  4. Not a Guarantee: Even with advancements in reproductive technology, there’s no absolute guarantee of a successful pregnancy and birth, as factors such as egg quality and the surrogate’s health play significant roles.

In conclusion, the decision to freeze eggs and pursue surrogacy later is a personal one that requires thorough research, understanding, and emotional readiness. It’s recommended to consult with fertility experts and mental health professionals to ensure a well-informed decision. By making such a choice, women can take control of their fertility, offering them the opportunity to have biological children when they’re ready, whether they carry the pregnancy themselves or pursue the path of surrogacy.